SUNDAY GATHERING (March 29, 2020)

ROMANS 15:14-33 [Gospel Ambition]

During this time where our public gatherings are not able to meet, each Sunday we are providing you with a liturgy that you can use at home.

You can use it in a number of ways: on your own, with your family, or with others from our church community via video conferencing.

Our suggestion is that you take time to move through each of the sections below, listening to the songs, reflecting on the liturgy and hearing the word preached exactly as we do on a Sunday.

As you move  through it why not talk with others or, if you are on your own, message someone from your City Group or DNA Group to share something that really struck you.

As you do this remember that we are still the church even when we can’t gather together as the church. 


Every day we hear many voices that compete for our attention. At a time like this those voices are often loud, urgent and hard to tune out from. In the midst of so many voices it can be easy to miss the one voice that counts above every other voice- God’s. But we need to hear from God more than we need to hear from any other voice. His voice is unlike any other voice. 

Hear what the Psalmist tells us:

The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic.

[Psalm 29:3-4]

Let’s ask God for his help in hearing him speak to us today:

Lord, we praise you that your voice is powerful. That your voice spoke creation into existence; that at your voice stars and galaxies were formed and made.

But we praise you that your voice of power is also the voice of comfort. The voice that speaks peace to troubled hearts and anxious spirits.

We pray that we may hear your voice as we listen to your word today. You are always speaking, so let us hear your voice.


SONG: Jesus is the Lord of All (Olly Knight): A glorious reminder that Jesus reigns over all.  He is King of kings and Lord of lords.

CCLI Song # 7070739

Olly Knight | Tom James

© 2016 Song Solutions Daybreak (Admin. by Song Solutions

SONG: Indescribable (Chris Tomlin): A song of praise and worship to God who's glory and majesty can be seen in all of his creation. 

CCLI Song # 4403076

Jesse Reeves | Laura Story

© 2004 Laura Stories (Admin. by Integrity Music)

sixsteps Music (Admin. by Integrity Music) songs (Admin. by Integrity Music)


God is a compassionate God, and he rules with truth and justice. That he is the God who stooped down to serve us in the person of Jesus. When we're reminded of God's character, we realise how different we are. Instead of looking to serve those in need, we so often use our time, money and resources for selfish gain. We chase our selfish ambitions instead of seeking to bless others. Often our selfishness causes hurt and harm to others rather their good. Take a moment to reflect on that now, to confess those selfish ways before God.Let’s pray this prayer:

Father God, forgive us for using the good gifts you have given us to serve ourselves rather than others. Help us to see the needs of those around us and use all that we have to meet them. Forgive us when our selfishness causes harm to others. Remind us of your generosity, shown to us in Christ, as he gave himself up for us. Help us to show that kind of generosity towards others in how we love and care for them. 


SONG:  Lead us Back (Sojourn): A song of confession that we so often seek security, comfort and the worship of other idols above God. A plea that God would lead us back to life in him.

CCLI Song # 4878333

Bobby Gilles | Brooks Ritter

© 2006 Gilles, Bobby (Admin. by Robert E. Gilles Jr.)

Sojourn Community Church


Because of Christ's work on the cross, his death and resurrection, we have been brought back into communion with our God and have been made righteous. We have peace with our creator, our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit unties us together in Jesus.

We normally express that peace with one another in our gatherings by greeting those around us. In this time where we can’t do that take a moment to pray for someone who is part of our church family instead. 

Why not also take time to pray for our government and governments around the world. Pray they would make wise decisions that would help stop the spread of Coronavirus and protect their citizens.

READING: Romans [15:14-33] 

Take time to read the bible passage and pray that God would let you hear him speak in his Word.

SERMON Gospel Ambition 


Take a few minutes to reflect on how God was speaking to you from his Word. Ask that the Holy Spirit would take the truth and use it to change and transform you.

SONG: Come Thou Fount: A song of  praise of the God who brings our wandering hearts back to himself.

CCLI Song # 7055916

Chad Gardner | Robert Robinson

© Words: Public Domain

Music: 2012 Asaphs Arrows (Admin. by Song Solutions

Moms Like Us Too (Admin. by Song Solutions

SONG: Mighty to Save (Hillsong): A song that reminds us that it is Jesus who saves and calls us to live our lives as a witness to the gospel at work in our lives. 

CCLI Song # 4591782

Ben Fielding | Reuben Morgan

© 2006 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia (Admin. by Hillsong Music Publishing UK)


In times when we can’t move as freely as we are used to it is easy to feel our focus shrink down. So it’s vital to remind our hearts that God is the God of the whole earth.

Hear this truth about God’s ambition for the whole earth as the gospel of Jesus spreads.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Habbakuk 2:14

SONG: Be Thou My Vision: A song that asks for God to direct our eyes towards him, that he would be our vision in all that we do.

CCLI Song # 7056332

Eleanor Henrietta Hull | Mary Elizabeth Byrne | Russell Mauldin

© Words: Public Domain


Finish remembering the hope that God offers us in Jesus:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

[Rom 15:13]

Peace be with you