Prepare (August 28, 2016)

This blog gives you a glimpse into the upcoming Sunday Gathering. It's an opportunity to read through the passage we'll be studying together, pray through some of the liturgy we'll be using, and listen to a selection of the songs we’ll be singing.

The Lion Roars - 3


Alex Passmore will be preaching from Amos 5, looking at the way that God loves for his people to live. 



The Lord is our light and our salvation so why should we be afraid? The Lord is our fortress, protecting us from danger, so why should we tremble? Though a mighty army may surround us, we will not be afraid. Even if we are attacked, we can remain confident.

The one thing I ask of the Lord,  the thing I seek most, is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach, high upon a rock.
(Psalm 27:1-5, NLT)


  • Come Ye Sinners Poor & Needy (Sojourn Music): A call to come to God in our sin, knowing that nothing we can do can make us right before Him, but that only in Christ can we be saved.

  • How Deep the Father's Love For Us: A reflection on the great depth of God’s love, shown to us through the cross of Christ.