Reflect (October 9, 2016)

Welcome to the Sunday Gathering recap (songs, hymns, liturgy and sermon). This blog gives you an opportunity to reflect on what you heard in the gathering or catch up if you weren’t able to be with us.

*The indented sections are responses read aloud by the congregation during the Gathering



Truly our souls find rest in God; our salvation comes from him. Truly he is our rock and our salvation; he is our fortress, we will never be shaken.

Yes, our souls, find rest in God; our hope comes from him. Truly he is our rock and our salvation; he is our fortress, we will not be shaken.

Our salvation and honour depend on God; he is our mighty rock and refuge.

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

(Based on Psalm 62 and 118) 

Song: How Great Thou Art

Song: This is Amazing Grace


Every week at Redeemer we take time at this point in our gathering to confess our sin before God. At the heart of the Gospel is repentance, so that's why we take a moment every week to repent together. Out of seeing God’s greatness and recognising the glory of Christ, we are faced with our own humanity and how short we fall of God’s requirements. The confession and assurance time in our gathering reminds us of our right place before God. It reminds us of our sinfulness, our need for God’s grace and forgiveness and the assurance we have in God’s provision of this grace through Jesus.

So take a moment to do that now, to confess your sin to God asking that he would remind you of your need for his grace.

Our next song is a plea for God to shine his light into our darkened hearts, so let's sing out now asking that God would do that in each of our hearts today.

Song: Shine into Our Night



Gary Aston preached the penultimate sermon in our Encounters series looking at the encounter Jesus has with the sick woman in Mark 5:21-34. Click here to listen to that sermon.


Every week we want to respond to what God has done for us in Jesus. One of the great ways he has provided for us to remember the truth of the gospel is giving us communion. As we take the bread and wine we remember what Jesus has done for us.


Jesus’ death brings us life and this meal reminds us that we are fed by Jesus and forgiven because of Jesus.

We rejoice that You have died, rose again, and are now with the Father advocating for us. Amen.

With our money, time, and talent we give generously, knowing that through Your Son, Jesus, You have generously given to us.

We rejoice that You have given everything and we joyfully give everything back to Your care. Amen.

Song: Here is Love

Song: Before the Throne of God Above


Thank you Father for what we've seen today in the example of the sick woman. Thank you that the gospel shows us that because of Jesus, we can come to you, empty handed and yet receive everything.

Remind us that when we put our faith in anything other than you, we will ultimately be let down. Instead, help us to put our faith in Christ's finished work on the cross knowing that through it we have been made whole.

SongThis I Believe 


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Peace be with you.

And also with you. 