Reflect (April 29, 2018)


Welcome to the Sunday Gathering recap (songs, hymns, liturgy and sermon). This blog gives you an opportunity to reflect on what you heard in the gathering or catch up if you weren’t able to be with us.

EZEKIEL - The Promise of Judgement


As Christians we don't think our gatherings are passive events, this isn't a spectator sport for us to sit and watch. We want to be engaged in what's going on. To have our hearts stirred & moved & drawn in by the Holy Spirit to praise & worship God. One of the ways we seek to do that at Redeemer is to read God's word aloud together. It's a chance to speak truth to each other and to ourselves. So, anything that's underlined throughout our gathering is an invite for you to join with me. Hear this call to worship as we start our gathering now:

Sing a new song to the LORD! Let the whole earth sing to the LORD! Sing to the LORD; praise his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Declare his glorious deeds among the nations.

Let’s read that again together

Sing a new song to the LORD! Let the whole earth sing to the LORD! Sing to the LORD; praise his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Declare his glorious deeds among the nations.

(Psalm 96:1-3)

Song: All Praise to Him

Song: Fountain of Goodness


We've just sung of God as the fountain of goodness. Yet so often, we seek other sources, thinking that they will bring us life. So often we live as though there were no consequences to our actions. Yet God tells us that whatever we sow, we will also reap. If we sow to ourselves, God's word is quite clear, the consequences are destruction. Yet there is real hope that if we sow to the Spirit, we will reap eternal life. God tells us in his word time and time again that it's in him we find this life. But we don't always live as though this were true. Take a moment to reflect on that now. To confess that tendency in your own heart to God now...

Even though we turn from God to find life in so may other things, he is faithful to us. Because Jesus took the judgement we deserved, for our sin, we can know life and life in it's fullness. Let's sing out in thanksgiving to God for that now.

Song: Come Thou Fount



Gary Aston preached to us this week on the promise of judgement in Ezekiel from chapters 4&5. Click here to listen to that sermon. 


Every week we want to respond to what God has done for us in Jesus. One of the great ways he has provided for us to remember the truth of the gospel is giving us communion. As we take the bread and wine we remember what Jesus has done for us.


Jesus’ death brings us life and this meal reminds us that we are fed by Jesus and forgiven because of Jesus.

We rejoice that You have died, rose again, and are now with the Father advocating for us. Amen.

With our money, time, and talent we give generously, knowing that through Your Son, Jesus, You have generously given to us.

We rejoice that You have given everything and we joyfully give everything back to Your care. Amen.

Song: Hallelujah What a Saviour

Song: Look What God Has Done


We've just sung of God's faithfulness to us, let's pray these words reminding our hearts of that as we prepare to go now:

Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are a good and faithful God, thank you that you are a just God who has taken it upon himself to act against all of the injustice and wrongdoing in this World.

Affirm our faith in the knowledge that Jesus took the judgement we deserved, even whilst we were still sinners, so that we could be made right before God and have relationship with him. Help us to rejoice in this truth, knowing our hope is in Christ. Amen.

As Christians we look forward to a day where Jesus will return to reign and rule with justice.

Song: New Again


Know that you have been saved from death by the sacrifice of Christ. Trust in the Spirit’s guidance and the promise of eternity, made possible by the one who has brought you from death to life. Go in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Peace be with you.

And also with you. 