Reflect (January 20, 2019)


Welcome to the Sunday Gathering recap (songs, hymns, liturgy and sermon). This blog gives you an opportunity to reflect on what you heard in the gathering or catch up if you weren’t able to be with us.

*The indented sections are responses read aloud by the congregation during the Gathering

ROMANS - Judgement and the law


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring for ever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey.

(Psalm 19:1-10)

Song: Come Praise and Glorify

Song: How Great Thou Art


We've already heard that God's law is perfect and refreshing for the soul. God tells us in his word that we have the law imprinted on our hearts. Even though this is true, we still fail to do what is right. We fall short of meeting our own standards and have no hope of meeting God's. Our sin separates us from God. When we see the gap between us and God, we are humbled to see our need for a Saviour. Take a moment in the quiet of your heart now to confess this need to him now.

In Jesus, we have a Saviour who came to bridge the gap between us and God. We no longer need to feel separation from God, instead we can know relationship with him through Christ. Hear Jesus words to us now:

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

(John 14: 6-7)

SongShine into our Night



Gary Aston preached to us this week from Romans 2:12-16. Click here to listen to that sermon.


Every week we want to respond to what God has done for us in Jesus. One of the great ways he has provided for us to remember the truth of the gospel is giving us communion. As we take the bread and wine we remember what Jesus has done for us.


Jesus’ death brings us life and this meal reminds us that we are fed by Jesus and forgiven because of Jesus.

We rejoice that You have died, rose again, and are now with the Father advocating for us. Amen.

With our money, time, and talent we give generously, knowing that through Your Son, Jesus, You have generously given to us.

We rejoice that You have given everything and we joyfully give everything back to Your care. Amen.

Song: How Deep the Father’s Love For Us

Song: The Lamb of God


Father God, help us to love you and obey your commandments as a response to the love you have shown to us in Jesus. Thank you that Jesus promises to be with us forever by his Spirit to help us in this. Help us Spirit, to love Jesus with all of our hearts, souls and minds. Amen.

(based on John 14:15-16)

Song: Revelation Song


May you go knowing the life giving power of God the Father, the self giving love of God the Son, and the reviving breath of God the Holy Spirit

Peace be with you.

And also with you.